Fee Schedule

Please see below our schedule of fees. These fees are applicable unless otherwise quoted to you. Current as at 04/02/2025.

Prices include GST. Third party costs and disbursements are not included.

Description Amount ($) Further information
Request release of the deposit before settlement 220.00
Update vendor's statement 165.00
Verification of identity 59.00
Sale of lot in unregistered plan of subdivision (1 only) 385.00
Licence agreement 363.00
Owners corporation certificate (standard 6-10 business days) 203.50 Price per certificate
Withdrawal of caveat (simple) 250.00
Withdrawal of caveat (complex) 1,100.00 Estimate only, Complex relates to contested or caveats whereby caveator is unwilling to withdraw or withdrawal is subject to negotiations
Lost title application 1,210.00 Estimate only, Title office fee is additional and will be advised upon amount being known
Surviving proprietor/transmission application 275.00
Statutory declarations 165.00
Dealing with trust money (excessive use of trust account) 220.00 This applies when more than 3 deposits are made to our trust account
Establish controlled money account 110.00 Plus 1% per annum on amount deposited
Changes to settlement date 165.00 Excludes cost of deed of variation. If deed is required refer to fee item "Deed of variation of contract"
Deed of variation of contract 330.00 Formal changes to contract including settlement date
Default or breach of contact of sale 275.00 Hourly
Private sale without an agent 275.00
Sale by foreigners or non-residents 275.00
Lodgement involving mortgagee consent 660.00
Auction contract 100.00 Applicable if not included as part of original quote. Excludes owners corporation certificate
Bank cheque fee 20.00 For each bank cheque
Application to ATO for FRCGW clearance certificate 165.00
Initial deposit (sale) 550.00 Initial deposit invoiced on opening of matter on our portal, excluding any searches and disbursements
High value surcharge ($5 million increments) 1,000.00 For each $5 million increment, your quote is adjusted by the high value surcharge amount. This is to factor in risk and insurance for high value transactions.
Application to add new folio to register (interest titles) 660.00 This is for consolidation or creationg of new interest title folios
Verification of identity 59.00
Additional certificates 55.00 Estimate only, Applicable when there is more than 1 title or property and we are required to order additional certificates
Changes to settlement date 165.00
Deed of variation of contract 330.00 Formal changes to contract including settlement date
Default or breach of contact of sale 275.00 Hourly
Settling without a mortgage (cash) 181.50
Owners corporation certificate (standard 6-10 business days) 203.50 Price per certificate
Purchase by self managed super funds 363.00
Purchase by nomination from third party (in addition to quoted conveyancing fee) 385.00
More than one nomination request (each) 121.00
Dealing with trust money (excessive use of trust account) 220.00 This applies when more than 3 deposits are made to our trust account
Bank cheque fee 16.50 For each bank cheque
Purchases by foreigners or non-residents 275.00
Licence Agreement 363.00
Contract review 99.00 Base contract review charge excluding off-the-plan and extensive document fee
Mortgagee consent matters 660.00
Urgency fee for contract review (within 24 hours) 220.00 This charge is in addition to the contract review fee
Off-the-plan contract review 350.00 Review of off-the-plan contracts which weren't priced into the original quote
GST Withholding obligations to ATO 165.00
Other dealings with ATO including FRCGW Certificates 165.00
Purchaser's caveat (including LTO fee) 275.00
FIRB application (excluding FIRB application fee) 275.00
SMSF surcharge 330.00 Fee applicable in event of purchasing entity being a trustee or custodian trustee of a SMSF
Initial deposit 450.00 Initial deposit invoiced on opening of matter on our portal
High value surcharge ($5 million increments) 1,000.00 For each $5 million increment, your quote is adjusted by the high value surcharge amount. This is to factor in risk and insurance for high value transactions.
Retirement village surcharge 1,000.00 Surcharge in addition to the quoted fee for retirement village purchases
Drafting and negotiating special conditions 385.00 Hourly, Estimate only
Contract review - extensive document additional fee 50.00 If contract is 100 pages or less, this fee won't apply. If contract is more than 100 pages, this fee will apply for every 100 pages above the first 100 pages.
Preparation of statement of adjustments 110.00
Initial deposit (transfer) 450.00 Initial deposit invoiced on opening of matter on our portal, excluding any searches and disbursements
Transfer of title (base fee) 750.00 Estimate only
Building certificate 85.00
Title search 39.00
Owners corporation certificate (standard 6-10 business days) 203.50 Price per certificate
Water, council land information, land tax certificates (each) 60.50
Copy of plan or other instruments (each) 38.50
Company search (basic) 38.50
Owners corporation certificate (additional) 110.00
Owners corporation certificate (update) 165.00
Owners corporation certificate (3-5 business days) 285.00
Owners corporation certificate (2 business days) 350.00
Subdivision or consolidation 1,100.00
Partition agreement 1,650.00
Complex duty lodgement (transfers generally) 1,650.00
Simple duty (transaction) 275.00
Complex duty lodgement (purchase) 825.00
Survivorship application 550.00
Transmission application 550.00
Discharge of mortgage (no trust moneys) 275.00
Discharge of mortgage (with trust moneys) 495.00
Transfer/nominate of electronic certificate of title (eCT) control 55.00
Convert original title to electronic certificate of title (eCT) 55.00
Verification of identity 59.00
Change of name on certificate of title 660.00
Master agreement (less than 4 lots) 1,100.00
Master agreement (5 - 9 lots) 1,650.00
Master agreement (10 - 19 lots) 2,200.00
Master agreement (20 or more lots) 3,300.00
Fee per unit 880.00 Estimate only
Term deposit and trust money 220.00 Estimate only
Development agreements (landowner and developer) 2,750.00 Estimate only
Subdivision or mortgagee consents 1,100.00
Paper settlement (where settlement cannot occur electronically) 220.00
General (limited powers) power of attorney (property) 275.00
General power of attorney 275.00
Enduring power of attorney (financial) 275.00
Appointing a medical treatment decision maker 275.00
Wills (simply/standard) 440.00 Estimate only
Wills (couples) 660.00 Estimate only
Wills and all POAs (single) 825.00 Estimate only
Wills and all POAs (couple) 990.00 Estimate only
Title insurance 605.00 Estimate only
Financial agreements (prenups) 1,650.00 Estimate only
Loan agreements - review 434.50 Estimate only, Excludes advice to guarantors and/or solicitor's certificate
Co-purchaser agreement 605.00 Estimate only
Solicitors certificates - 1 person 550.00 From major lender and for residential purchase. Commercial purchase and/or from non-major lender is time billed.
Solicitors certificates - more than 1 person (each) 220.00 For each extra person requiring a solicitors certificate beyond.
Company formation 1,089.00
Family trust deeds 605.00
Unit trust deeds 1,089.00
Unitholders/shareholders agreements 1,650.00 Estimate only
Withdrawal of caveat (complex or contested) 1,100.00 Estimate only, Excludes work involving court proceedings
Building contract reviews 1,100.00
Section 173 agreement - drafting 1,650.00
Section 173 agreement - lodgement with title office 220.00
Section 173 agreement - review 825.00 Estimate only
Commercial lease agreement - drafting 1,650.00 Estimate only
Renewal of commercial lease agreement - drafting 1,100.00 Estimate only
Commercial lease agreement - reviewing 1,650.00 Estimate only
Commercial lease agreement - assignment 990.00 Estimate only
Business conveyancing 2,750.00 Estimate only
Promotional fixed disbursements 236.05 Fixed disbursements for clients who engage during promotional period, excluding owners corporation certificate fees
Company share scheme or stratum property transaction surcharge 550.00
Default notice 990.00 Preparing and serving default notice on defaulting party
Deed (simple version) 550.00 Estimate only, Draft deed documenting agreement between parties
Loan agreement (without mortgage) 1,500.00 Estimate only, Drafting a simple loan agreement without mortgage
Loan agreement (with mortgage) 2,500.00 Estimate only, Drafting a simple loan agreement with mortgage or security
Director 605.00 Hourly
Senior conveyancer 495.00 Hourly
Conveyancer 385.00 Hourly
Conveyancing assistant 275.00 Hourly